One way or another, societies all over the world are and will be implementing more and more basic income schemes. Please note that currently (almost) none of theses schemes are UNCONDITIONAL.
I define “basic income” as an income that is paid to people, even though they don’t produce anything that can be sold nor do any work of immediate value to anyone.
We have come to the point where new technologies don’t produce jobs in significant numbers any more and where natural resources are privately owned and restricted. A society which wants it’s people to prosper now has to provide for them with an income, where and when there are no jobs or natural resources available.
Programs are increasingly applied all around, be it food stamps, unemployment money, child grants, public work programs, employment initiatives for the sake of giving employment, blown up public sector jobs, social welfare officers, tax collectors, arms industries, pension schemes, etc. The sole reason for this being the scarcity of available real jobs.
This is a possible way to go. Societies which are not sufficiently applying schemes like this get mainly trapped in social unrest, religious and political fanaticism and intolerable human rights situations. It is a way to go, but it is a queer, wicked and tiring way, that more and more people are not convinced of any more.